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Category Archives: Canadian Economy

December 20, 2022

Due to severe shortages in the healthcare sector, foreign-trained medical professionals have excellent prospects of gaining employment in Canada and eventually becoming citizens. As now the country Canada is looking for the requirements that they need to fullfil because they are facing lack og shortages in terms of trained doctors.

Shortage of Doctors in Canada

There is a critical lack of healthcare workers in Canada. The Canadian Medical Board (CMA) issued a dire warning in early 2022 about the country’s dire need for additional healthcare professionals. Two years into the epidemic, groups representing health professionals throughout the nation are raising the alarm that Canada’s health care system is failing. There is little chance of success if we don’t take action right away. It may be getting better for the average Canadian, as public health restrictions are being relaxed, but health care providers still have a long way to go.

Pandemic has created shortage in Canada

The 2 years of COVID-19 have taken a toll on healthcare personnel, leaving them severely exhausted and burnt out. Now, they must contend with significant system long delays and a lack of colleagues to help meet rising patient demand. As a result of severe shortages in the healthcare workforce, anada is actively recruiting medical professionals with international training. Also, there is a high demand for medical professionals in Canada but a low supply of medical schools, many Canadians who are denied entry choose to pursue their medical education in other countries, such as the United Kingdom, Denmark, Israel, british United States, and the Caribbean.

Canada has been working hard to make it easier for international medical professionals to immigrate there and have their credentials recognized. As part of these changes, additional residency positions will be made available for graduates of foreign medical schools.

The provincial and federal governments of Canada recognize that foreign-trained medical professionals who want to work and reside in Canada have difficulty in gaining credential recognition. It is well-known that many international professionals have difficulties obtaining work in Canada due to difficulties in having their qualifications recognized or in finding efficient means of having their credentials improved to meet Canadian criteria (re-credentialling). I have also found that there are more medical licensure and regulation in Canada is handled just at provincial level. The federal government is contributing cash to encourage the regional governments to enhance the procedure. There was $115 million allocated for it in the most recent federal budget. The shortage of residency positions is a significant barrier for international medical graduates who want to work in Canada.

The Ontario Fairness Commissioner, the Ontario Medical Association, and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario have all proposed increasing access for internationally trained physicians (IEPs) and increasing the number of residency positions available to IEPs as a solution to the healthcare crisis. In order to perform medicine in Canada, non-Canadian citizens are required to have a degree from a medical institution recognized by the Canadian government. The World Directory of Medical Colleges is where you may check to see whether your institution is included in the worldwide network of medical education. If you are looking for your school, “Canada Note” may be found in that online directory. Therefore, graduates of this medical school will be recognized by all Canadian medical associations and regulatory bodies.

The first step for a newly minted MD is to pass the MCCQE Part 1 test, administered by the Medical of Canada. In addition, they need to score well on the National Professional Collaboration (NAC) Test, which is used to determine whether or not an applicant is ready for a residence program in Canada. To practice medicine in Canada, a medical graduate from outside the country must first get a work visa from the IRCC and then apply for a postgraduate residency position via the Canadian Residents Matching Service (CaRMS). It is the responsibility of CaRMS, a national organization, to place Canadian medical school graduates in appropriate residency programs throughout the country.

International applications for entry level work in Canada

According to reports, international applications for entry level work in Canada dropped by 40% between 2013 and 2022, going from 2,219 to 1,322. This is according to the Canadian Homeowner Matching Service (CaRMS), a national organization that fits medical school educators with postgraduate training residencies. There is growing consensus amongst experts that expanding the number of residencies available to overseas medical school graduates might assist Canada address its physician labor problem. If they are accepted into a residency program in Canada, medical professionals who were educated outside of the country will work under the supervision of a Canadian medical institution for a minimum of two years. Then, they’ll join the Academy of Family Doctors of Canada after passing their family medicine certification test (CFPC). Finally, the physician must apply to a medical board in a province or territory for permission to practice family medicine. Just under one-third of all Canadian doctors have an international educational background, and this is especially prevalent in the field of family medicine. However fewer and fewer foreign-educated medical professionals are making the effort to compete for Canada’s shrinking pool of residency slots.

November 14, 2022

Canada’s population is expected to grow by about one-third over the next two decades, with immigrants making up more than a third of that growth. This is based on projections from Statistics Canada, which show that Canada’s population will increase from 36 million to 46 million in 2036.

The projections are based on assumptions about immigration levels, fertility rates and mortality rates. The report says that immigration will be the main driver of population growth in Canada over the next two decades. Immigrants could make up more than a third of Canada’s population by 2036, according to the latest census data. The census found that the percentage of the population who are immigrants has increased by nearly 10 per cent in the last five years.

Country Welcomed 1.2 Million Immigrants

The country welcomed 1.2 million newcomers between 2011 and 2016, with most coming from India, China, and Syria. Immigrants are a crucial part of Canada’s population and economy. Many immigrants come to Canada with the hope of a better life. They are often highly skilled, educated, and entrepreneurial people who contribute to the Canadian economy in many ways.

However, it is not easy for immigrants to find work in their field or start their own businesses right away. They may need to take jobs that are different from what they studied or worked before. This can be difficult for immigrants who want to start their own businesses because they may not have enough money saved up or access to credit.

Canada has a number of programs that help immigrants settle into their new homes and find work, such as the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) and Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs). These programs allow provinces and territories to nominate certain qualified individuals for permanent residence in Canada based on criteria such as education level, language skills, employment experience, age, etc,

Canadian Census

The most recent Canadian census showed the greatest number of new immigrants ever, which was a little over 1.3 million people who made Canada their permanent home between the years of 2016 and 2021. The percentage of recent immigrants who settled in Atlantic Canada increased from 1.2% in 2006 and 3.5% in 2021, representing an almost threefold increase in that time span. The objective of the Canadian government on immigration is to sustainably raise the overall amount of immigration in order to boost the country’s economy, bring separated families back together, and aid refugees in need of humanitarian assistance.

The economic class, the family class, and the refugee class are the three categories of immigration that Canada accepts. Immigrants who fall into the economic class are those who have been singled out for their potential to make a positive impact on Canada’s economy, whether that be through one‘s capacity to satisfy the requirements of the labour market, or to own or manage a business, to have a significant investment, or to establish their employment opportunities.

Those who have a Canadian citizen or legal resident sponsor may enter the country under the family class. The ultimate objective is to make it possible for couples and families to be reunited in Canada. People who can prove they have a spouse, companion, parent, grandparent, or kid in the United States automatically qualify for permanent residence status.

Immigrants who have been granted permanent residence status as refugees have shown a genuine fear for their safety in their native country owing to persecution for reasons of race, creed, nationality, participation in a social group, or political opinion. Those who have been profoundly impacted by war or conflict and/or who have experienced a major violation of their human rights are also included here.

Canada’s ageing population and declining birthrate have a chilling effect on the country’s economic or labour force expansion. Due to sluggish growth, Canada is unable to raise taxes to fund essential social services like healthcare and education. Canadian immigration has been rising to help the country’s economy and finances.

Immigration Levels Plan

The government updates its Immigration Levels Plan annually to detail its goals for immigration in the next three years. The plan details the expected influx of immigrants as well as their demographic profile. Canada anticipates a total of more than 430,000 new legal residents in 2022, with over 60% of these people belonging to the economic class.

In addition to having a relatively small population, Canadians tend to live longer than people in any other country. The result is a strain on the economy and the budget. Low rates of natural population increase in Canada have a knock-on effect on the size of the working-age population and the country’s GDP. The Canadian government has a hard time collecting the tax revenue necessary to fund essential social programmes like education and healthcare, which contribute to the country’s high quality of living because of the slow pace of economic development.

To that end, Canada has been steadily expanding its immigration intake since the late 1980s, therefore boosting the country’s population, working population, and GDP growth. Immigration has become more important to Canada’s population & labour force expansion, as well as its economic development.

Think about the 9 million baby boomers who will be eligible for retirement in Canada by the time they turn 65. Consequently, the number of people actively employed in Canada will decrease at the same time as the country’s healthcare costs would increase. Canada has indeed been proactive in addressing this issue by steadily increasing its immigration objectives for more than 30 years.

Since 1988, the graphic below shows that Canada has consistently accepted over 200,000 immigrants per year. Over the last several years, it has chosen to boost production to more than 400,000 units annually. The current immigration rate in Canada is close to 1.1%. As a result, Canada accepts three times as many immigrants per capita as the United States.

Demographic Realities of Canada

The demographic realities of Canada, together with the current immigration patterns, suggest that the country’s immigration numbers will continue to rise steadily over the next years. Undoubtedly, immigration will continue to play a vital role in maintaining the budgetary and economic stability of the nation.

Additionally, the necessity of immigration is said to have grown in light of the recent coronavirus outbreak. In the near term, COVID-19 has harmed Canada’s economy and boosted government expenditure on social services. Furthermore, in 2019, the Canadian birth rate reached a record low of 1.47 children per woman. Owing to Canada’s already low birth rate and the possibility that the pandemic would further cut the birth rate due to economic insecurity, Canada will rely even more heavily on immigration to meet its future demographic needs. Low birth rates in Canada would make immigration a greater contributor to the country’s growing labour force. Canada’s government expendituresv after COVID-19 will need a larger revenue base, which may be achieved  through immigration.

October 31, 2022

In 2022, the Canadian government is looking to immigration as a potential answer as the country begins to recover economically from the consequences of COVID-19. It is never too early to begin the process of immigrating to Canada. There are a number of interesting new developments coming to the country’s immigration system in 2022.

If the pattern that is now occurring does not drastically shift, then the increase in the number of people living in Canada will not be the result of families in Canada having more children. Because of declining fertility rates and increasing average age of the population, it is projected that natural growth, which can be calculated by subtracting births from deaths, would slow down during the next several years. The ratio of number of children to the number of women in Canada is expected to reach a new all-time low in the year 2020 when it is expected to reach 1:4. This natural growth will continue its downward trend over the following several years according to the high growth scenario, and there is a small chance that it could even become negative during the transitional period among 2049 and 2058.

Immigration will be responsible for a significant portion of the population increase that will occur in Canada over the course of the next several decades. There are a number of projections for Canada’s population growth over the next several decades, and all of them include immigration playing a substantial role. This action will continue for the foreseeable future. Over the course of the past year, immigration has continued to add to the expansion of Canada’s population as well as its economy. In 2021, a record number of immigrants will arrive, and ministers have taken stock of the collaborative efforts of the FPT and welcomed and settle nearly 405,000 of them.

Rise in Immigration for Upcoming Years

The objective of the Canadian government on immigration is to sustainably raise the overall amount of immigration in order to boost the country’s economy, bring separated families back together, and aid refugees in need of humanitarian assistance. The economic class, the family class, and the refugee class are the three categories of immigration that Canada accepts. Immigrants who fall into the economic class are those who have been singled out for their potential to make a positive impact on Canada’s economy, whether that be through their own capacity to satisfy the requirements of the labour market, to possess or run a business, to have a significant investment, or to establish their own employment opportunities.

According to the Population Estimates for Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2021 through 2068, the federal government plans to use the average age of immigrants to Canada from 2022 as a method to address the labour deficit, which is a persistent scarcity of young people.

Since the arrival of the first European settlers in the 16th century, Canada has been and still is a popular destination for those seeking to start new lives elsewhere. At the present time, yearly immigration in Canada totals somewhere about 300,000 new residents, making it one of the countries with the greatest rates of immigration relative to its population. Moreover, eight million immigrants who had been granted permanent residency were residing in Canada as of the year 2021; this represented around 21.5 percent of the entire population of Canada. The Canadian public has a divided view on the appropriate level of immigration, with 39% of respondents believing that the number of immigrants should be reduced while 34% expressing contentment with the current level. Even though (or possibly because of) this strong history of immigration in Canada, public opinion is divided.

Immigration laws in Canada

The Immigration as well as Refugee Protection Act, which was passed in 2002, is the major piece of legislation that governs immigration in Canada. According to Canadian immigration law, there are four different types of immigrant admission classes that are included with the family class, which allows individuals or legal residents to sponsor relatives for admission into Canada; this same economic class, which offers an opening to applicants and their close relative who really are likely to contribute to a Canadian economy; this same refugee class, that also provides admission to refugees fleeing persecution and/or torture; as well as the ‘other’ class, which contains immigrants accepted for a variety of other reasons. Persons who moved to Canada for job reasons account for more than twice as many permanent residents as individuals who immigrated mainly for family reasons. Skilled workers make up the single biggest group of immigrants in Canada. In 2021, only about 17 of the total number of immigrants that entered the country were refugees. When looking at refugee arrivals in every class, it was found that over ten thousand were ‘government-assisted.’ This means that the state offers aid to the refugee for up to a year with finding a job, finding housing, obtaining food, and obtaining clothes.

The number of immigrants to Canada has been steadily rising over the previous two decades, with 226,203 persons expected to arrive from July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021. This number is down from the expected 313,601 immigrants that entered Canada in 2018–2019 but is much over the estimated 199,170 who entered in 2002–2003.

Immigration to Canada by country

According to the results of the most latest census, the nation of origin of persons who were born in Canada to parents from another country was most often India, followed by China. As we look to the future, it is probable that India will continue to strengthen its position, with approximately one-quarter of incoming immigrants to Canada arriving from the nation in 2019.

October 4, 2022

The world is going faster in technology as there are more requirements that need to be considered from North America. The jobs in the technology sector are increasing faster in Toronto and Vancouver than just the local labour force can provide. As it is creating a fertile environment for immigrants from outside. Although compared to New York City proper, Boston, Washington, DC, Toronto, Vancouver, and Seattle are giving far more employment than tech degree graduates according to CBRE Research, generating more graduates than jobs.

As though we needed more evidence, a recent analysis from CBRE ranks Toronto’s tech ecosystem as one of the top three in all of North America. CBRE’s yearly basis Scoring Tech Talent report outlines the industry’s job-growth patterns even with the economic changes and greater remote recruiting and ranks the top 75 tech cities in North America.

It is also found that employers that are interested in hiring a foreign national may take advantage of the international talent and labour that is available to them (IMP).

Employers also have the ability to bring up foreign nationals to fill open jobs through a program called Express Entry. This program accepts immigration applications online and processes them quickly.

Toronto Giant Leader in Technology

We have also observed that Toronto remains the leader in Canada when it comes to the development of IT talent, even if Vancouver, as well as Calgary, are also some of the country’s top cities in this regard. Toronto is now higher on the list than New York City.

It should come as no surprise that we believe Toronto is among the most searched cities just on the continent in terms of talent, given the number of multinational technology businesses that are establishing shops, hiring personnel, and extending their presence in the city of Toronto.

Additionally, Toronto came in first place for having the most significant nett gains in tech talent from the year 2016, with a total of 88,900 new tech positions being created and filled during that time period. Since the last study, Vancouver and Edmonton have had the most significant increases in population. Vancouver increased by 3 points and also has placed in 8th position in the 2022 rating, while Edmonton also rose by three points reaching 35th place.

Technology behemoths from the United States, including Google, Amazon, and Meta, are expanding their operations and the number of employees based in Canada. For instance, Meta has said that it intends to employ up to 2,500 workers, while Google has stated that it intends to treble the size of its staff in Canada. This is in contrast to the employment growth that has been seen in recent years in the technology sector in Canada. Workers from the United States are relocating to Canada in search of employment, and foreign professionals who previously may have considered applying for an H-1B visa are now focusing their attention on the Global Talent Stream in the hopes of gaining employment in Canada. Workers in the technological sector are searching for employment, but they will also find an improvement in their quality of life in Canada. The nicest thing about Canada is that it has a well-deserved image for being welcoming to immigrants, and citizens and permanent residents of the country are entitled to free comprehensive healthcare. A recent survey conducted throughout the globe revealed that Canada is regarded as the nation that provides the most welcoming environment for newcomers.

Upgraded Technology in the city of Vancouver

Vancouver, Canada’s largest city, is a beautiful and popular travel destination. The Economist Intelligence ranked Vancouver the most liveable city every year from 2004 through 2010. Vancouver is a large, diverse, and attractive city that has become a haven for the IT sector, a powerhouse for the movie industry, and a cultural epicentre. Vancouver’s people have a reputation because of being exceedingly welcoming of diverse cultures. This might be because of the city’s diverse population; in fact, the most current census data (2011) shows that just 48% of Vancouverites list English as their first language. An estimated one in five citizens can’t communicate in either French or English.

According to the CBRE’s 2021 Scoring Technical Talent report, Vancouver was ranked 11th in North America. This was largely attributable to the city’s internationally renowned post-secondary institutions. Furthermore, Vancouver is ranked 4th among ‘brain gain’ cities, having attracted 11,256 people over the course of the past half-decade. This suggests that the city’s technology industry is respected.

October 4, 2022

The growth in Canada is increasing as there is a number of immigrants that are moving to Canada. Immigrants and their children are set to dominate Canada by the upcoming year.  Statistics Canada indicates that as a result of immigration, Canada’s demographic profile has changed, with more people speaking languages from South Asia and fewer people speaking languages from Europe coming. Over 1.2 million immigrants are expected to arrive in Canada between the years 2021 and 2023 as part of an ambitious plan to significantly strengthen the country’s economic recovery after the global coronavirus epidemic.

We have also found that most of the children of immigrants are under the range of a fast expanding percentage of a child population in several affluent 1592 Washbrook and Ghanghro nations. We have also observed that around 16% of the child population is inside the United Kingdom, 22% in the United States and  28% in Canada. The demographics of today’s immigrants are unlike any in history. They come from every continent, and their educational and professional backgrounds vary widely. Immigrants in Canada, for instance, are some of the most well-educated members of society. They make up 24% of MDs, 47% of PhD scientists, and 24% of BSc/BA STEM employees in Canada.

Canada counted as the greatest rate of Immigration

Canada is one of the continues countries of immigrants. Canada has one of the greatest rates of immigration per capita of any nation in the world, with an annual pace of over 300,000.  In 2021, around 21.5% of Canada’s overall population was made up of immigrants who had obtained permanent residency. Regardless of (or maybe because of) the lengthy tradition of immigration, public sentiment on migration rates in Canada seems split that is included with 39 percent believing that the number should be reduced, while 34 percent are content with the present level. The most latest census found that among Canadians of foreign birth.  Canada’s immigration policy is to steadily raise immigration numbers to boost the economy, reconnect separated families, and help refugees.

Immigrant children comprised 9.5% of the population overall of children and teenagers in Canada. Of the total number of immigrants, 376,915 were under the age of 15, while 568,215 were between the ages of 15 and 24. Children of immigrants may have a lower standard of living in their early years, but they have a higher likelihood of attending and graduating from postsecondary institutions and, as they become older, of achieving the Canadian dream.

Although immigrant children (32.2%) are more than two times more as non-immigrant children (15.4%) to live in low-income households, aspects like the opportunity to also be educated within the Canadian system and also an increased proficiency in official languages assist immigrant children in achieving wages in adulthood related to those of about there Canadian-born peers, according to a Statistics Canada report.

The survey found that compared to the general population of 20-year-olds in Canada, 70% of immigrant children who’d already arrived in Canada first before age of 15 were currently enrolled in or had finished post-secondary education.

Immigrant Children are more Intelligent than Canadian born

With more immigrant children completing post-secondary education, the survey also reveals that immigrant children have a superior earning potential than their Canadian-born counterparts. At age of 25, the income in Canada was $29,710 for the general population but $30,300 for those who came to the country as children. By the age of 30, this wage disparity expanded to almost a 13% difference in the amount immigrants received compared to the overall population, with the general population receiving an average of $41,810 and persons who arrived as children earning a median of $47,400.

Immigration is one of the primary forces behind the expansion of Canada’s economy, and it is responsible for virtually all of the country’s new job creation. In the last year, Canada has welcomed over 405,000 immigrants, which is the highest growth in population in a single year in its entire history. We have also observed that around seventy-five percent of immigrant children who were allowed to enter Canada with their families as part of an economic class program attended post-secondary institutions in Canada. In contrast, sixty percent of children accepted under family sponsorship programmes were enrolled in postsecondary education, but just 51 percent of children admitted were refugees were doing the same. In a similar vein, individuals who were accepted as children in families of economic immigrants had a median pay of $52,400, in comparison to $41,600 for immigrants who were accepted as children in families of refugees and $40,100 among immigrants who were accepted as children within sponsored families.

Future of Immigrants and their children in Canada

According to the new study we have observed that most of the birth rate among immigrant women is getting nearly twice of Canadian-born counterparts.

According to the statistics, 50,000 of the total immigrants that arrive in Canada every year are under the age of 15, making up 20% of all newcomers. An estimated fifteen percent of any and all immigrant adolescents and children are classified as refugees, with an additional fifteen hundred to two thousand having been adopted from other countries.

In addition to the above, there have been 98,383 students from other countries who have come to Canada since 2011 to pursue their education. It is not unusual for Canada to take in immigrant children, and the country extends a warm welcome to each and every one of them. We have seen that nearly in the future most Canadian are coming forth and this will create a devastating change in the future of Canada.

The citizenship process in Canada is one of the greatest success percentages seen anywhere in the world. Roughly 85 percent of those who move here eventually become citizens. Approximately 12 years after arriving in Canada, the overall wages of immigrants and refugees catch up to the national average. We have also observed that Canada will be going to end up exceeding its target with a record of over 405,000 new permanent residents. As Canada is now seeking more immigrants with around 430,000 and they will be going to target more than 450,000 by the year 2024.