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Express Entry

Express Entry

Overview of Express Entry for Skilled Immigration

The Express Entry is an online system that is used to manage immigration applications from skilled workers who wish to become permanent residents of Canada. There are 3 immigration programs managed through Express Entry:

     Federal Skilled Worker Program
     Federal Skilled Trades Program
     The Canada Experience Class

If you’re eligible for one of the above programs, you can also apply through Express Entry for the Provincial Nominee Program. If you’re nominated, you’ll get extra points so you can be invited to apply quickly.

Federal Skilled Worker program is for skilled workers with foreign work experience who want to immigrate to Canada permanently.

Under Express Entry, Federal Skilled Workers across eligible occupations who meet minimum entry criteria, submit an expression of interest profile to the Express Entry Pool. The profiles of candidates in the pool are ranked under a Comprehensive Ranking System. The highest ranked candidates are considered for an invitation to apply for permanent residence. Candidates receiving an invitation must submit a full application within the deadline.

Minimum Requirements
To qualify for admission to the Express Entry Pool as a Federal Skilled Worker, applicants must meet the minimum requirements for skilled work experience, language ability and education.

Skilled Work Experience
Possess one-year of continuous full-time paid work experience or the equivalent in part-time continuous employment within the previous 10 years in one of eligible occupations listed under the applicable National Occupational Classification system; AND

The work experience must be classified within Skill Type 0 (Managerial Occupations), Skill Level A (Professional Occupations), or Skill Level B (Technical Occupations and Skilled Trades) within the meaning of the National Occupational Classification system. Work experience gained while studying may count towards your minimum requirements if the work was paid by wages or commissions, was continuous.

Language Ability
Undergo language testing from a recognized third party and demonstrate intermediate level language skills in English or French corresponding to the Canadian Language Benchmark of 7.

If you went to school in Canada, you must have a certificate, diploma or degree from a Canadian:
secondary institution (high school) or post-secondary institution

If you have foreign education, you must have a completed credential, and an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) for immigration purposes from a designated organization showing that your education is equal to a completed certificate, diploma or degree from a Canadian secondary institution (high school) or post-secondary institution

Possess suitable settlement funding, Successful security background and medical examination

Selection Factors:
After meeting the minimum requirements, applicant is assessed on 6 factors including

  • Age – maximum of 12 points
  • Education – maximum of 25 points
  • Work experience – maximum 15 points
  • Arranged employment job offer- maximum 10 points
  • English and/or, French language skills – maximum 28 points
  • Adaptability – how well you’re likely to settle here – Maximum of 10 points

Applicant must earn minimum 67 points to eligible for this program.

Federal Skilled Worker Program Eligible Occupations

Find out whether you qualify under the Federal Skilled Worker Program or other programs in Canada by completing our free online evaluation for Skilled Workers or other categories. We will provide you with your evaluation results within 1-2 business days.

Find Your NOC

The Federal Skilled Trades Program is for skilled workers who want to become permanent residents based on being qualified in a skilled trade

Minimum Requirements
Applicant must meet the required:

  • language levels for each language ability
  • have at least 2 years of full-time work experience (or an equal amount of part-time work experience) in a skilled trade within the 5 years before applying
  • work experience must be for paid work and meet job requirements for that skilled trade as set out in the National Occupational Classification, except for needing a certificate of qualification
  • have a valid job offer of full-time employment for a total period of at least 1 year or certificate of qualification in that skilled trade issued by a Canadian provincial, territorial or federal authority.

There is no education requirement for the Federal Skilled Trades Program. But, if you want to improve your rank in the Express Entry pool, there are 2 ways you can do this. If you went to school in Canada or equivalent foreign education credentials , you can get points for a certificate, diploma or degree from a secondary institution (high school) or post-secondary institution. The Federal Skilled Trades Class is not open to applicants wishing to establish themselves in the Province of Quebec which has its own authority to select applicants.

Certification or Offer of Employment
Trade certification in Canada falls under provincial jurisdiction. Each province outlines which professions will be regulated and establishes regulatory bodies where applicable. Provincial certification is often difficult to obtain from outside Canada and accordingly, this program will be most beneficial to tradespeople who obtain an approved offer of employment from a recognized employer, or who are already working in Canada as temporary foreign workers. Not all trades are regulated in all the provinces. Where a trade is not regulated, an offer of employment becomes mandatory.

Tradespeople who obtain an approved offer of employment for one year or more in their trade from a Canadian employer are also eligible to apply. The offer of employment will be evaluated to ensure that it is an eligible trade and that the hiring will have a neutral effect on the Canadian Labour Market.

Proof Of Funds
You must show that you have enough money for you and your family to settle in Canada, unless you are currently able to legally work in Canada and have a valid job offer from an employer in Canada

Find Your NOC

Persons interested in applying under the Federal Skilled Trades Class are invited to communicate with us at their convenience and/or to complete an assessment questionnaire. Upon receipt, we will assess your options.

The CEC is a permanent residence category for people with skilled work experience in Canada. It was developed for temporary foreign workers and foreign graduates with qualifying Canadian work experience.

Canada Experience Class program recognizes the benefits to Canada by candidates who have spent significant amounts of time pursuing their studies and working careers in Canada

Requirements For Canadian Experience Class
Eligibility for permanent residence under this class is assessed on the following:

The candidate has acquired 12 months of full-time work experience in an occupation categorized as Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A or B of the National Occupation Classification (NOC).

Qualifying occupations are those of a managerial, professional, technical or skilled trade nature.The qualifying Canadian work experience was acquired within the 36 months immediately preceding the date of application.

The candidate demonstrates sufficient proficiency in one of Canada’s official languages. The level of proficiency required is determined by the occupation in which the candidate gained qualifying Canadian work experience.

The candidate is not inadmissible to Canada on medical, criminal or security grounds.

Qualifying Work Experience
Qualifying work experience must be full time and skilled. “Full-time” refers to 30 hours per week. Part-time work will be considered, but only on a pro-rata basis. For example, 6 months in a part-time skilled position at 15 hours per week will count as three months towards the required 12. Multiple concurrent part-time jobs can also be used to meet the experience requirement.

Any work experience acquired in Canada without valid work authorization will not be considered. Nor will periods of self-employment or work experience gained while the candidate was enrolled in a program of full-time study.

Language Proficiency
Minimum proficiency must be demonstrated in all four language abilities, namely: Reading; writing; speaking; listening. Applicants whose qualifying work experience is in an occupation categorized as NOC Skill Type 0 or Skill Level A must meet Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) level 7. Applicants whose qualifying work experience is in an occupation categorized as NOC Skill Level B must meet CLB level 5.

The Canadian Experience Class is an ideal program for individuals who have become familiar with life in Canada and who wish to resettle here. The application can be made from within Canada, while the candidate is still on temporary status. In short, it allows a seamless transition from temporary to permanent status in Canada.

*The Canadian Experience Class does not apply to foreigners wishing to establish themselves in the Province of Quebec; however, the work experience accumulated in that province is valid to meet the CEC program requirements if the candidate wishes to relocate to another province.