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December 20, 2022

International Experience Canada Program to Take 20% More Applications In 2023

The International Experiences Canada (IEC) Program 2023 was officially unveiled today by the Honorable Sean Fraser, Secretary of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship. The program has increased the number of eligible candidates by 20%. As on January 9, 2023, applications will be accepted. Those who want to immigrate to Canada as skilled workers will benefit from the new economic immigration schemes the country is implementing. Canada plans to accept a record-breaking 460,000 immigrants this year. The government of Canada views immigration as a means to improve the economy, bring families together, and aid those in need. Prior to the 2015 election of the current Liberal administration, Canada accepted around 260,000 immigrants every year. Before the 2020 outbreak of COVID-19, the objectives were raised to 300,000, and then to 340,000.

It was difficult for IRCC to handle applications in 2020 due to the closing of borders as well as other travel restrictions. Nonetheless, at 405,000, Canada accepted more people to become permanent residents in a single year than it had in any previous year. A considerable number of quotas were distributed via the Canadian Experience Class or provincial nomination programs, respectively, to enable the achievement of these goals (PNPs).

A historic combination of low unemployment and a large number of available jobs has created a labor shortage in Canada. Both of these elements contribute to the country’s rising immigration goals.

Canada has one of the world’s lowest birthrates at 1.4 children per woman, adding to the country’s chronic labor shortfall. Eventually, immigration will be the only option for Canada’s population and labor force to expand, since natural expansion is too sluggish to keep up with the needs of the economy. Canada’s ability to provide public services like education and healthcare relies on a healthy tax base, which can only be sustained with an influx of new residents. One of the world’s oldest populations is in Canada. By 2030, approximately a quarter of Canada’s population, or nine million individuals, will be eligible for Medicare. In all areas of the economy, this will result in a critical lack of labor.

According to Canada’s primary immigration legislation, the Immigration as well as Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), the government must annually declare the Immigration Levels Plan by November 1. The first declaration of immigration numbers for 2022-2024 came in February 2022, as the most recent national election of September 20, 2021 postponed the 2021 announcement.

 Express Entry, available to foreign employees beginning in January 2015, will include Canada’s primary economic immigration programs. Now the scenatio of calling the immigrants is change as after pandemic Canada is looking for more immigirants that have different skills sets. Forexample if a person is good in Data Analyst skill then he or she will be preferably hired by the Canadian or they can easily apply through Express entry or they can get engaged in the Provincial Nominee program.

As there are number of programs through which applicants can apply for the Canada in which one of the prominent is Express Entry, other than are provincial nominee program.

Express Entry

Since its introduction in 2015, that Express Entry System has become a highly sought after method of entering the country legally. Because of the streamlined procedures involved in making the transition. It’s also the quickest route to immigration to Canada for professionals, taking an average of only six months. As a result, it is often regarded as the simplest route to Canadian PR.

For this subset of immigration, a Comprehensive Assessment System (CRS) is used to calculate a score out of 100 for each applicant. Using the candidate’s age, language proficiency, job experience, education, etc., this tool determines a score. The IRCC determines the cutoff for eligibility (Immigration Refugee and Citizenship Canada). Those who get a high enough score are granted permanent resident status in Canada. Therefore, they are given the ITA. A lot of people who want to move to Canada use the Express Entry system since it seems to be the simplest option. The result of the most recent Express Entry Draw was released on November 23, 2022, and the corresponding score was 491. After receiving the score, the applicant may quickly and simply begin the procedure for obtaining a Canadian permanent resident visa.

Provincial nominee program

People who did not make the cut for Express Entry may still be eligible for provincial nomination. Using the Canada Provincial Nominee Program is the simplest route to permanent residency in Canada. Each province in Canada has the authority to invite and nominate talented workers for immigration to the province based on the province’s specific labor market needs and occupations in demand. There are essentially two paths to provincial nomination. The applicant has the option of applying to the province directly or through the Canada Express Entry connected models. In Canada, each province uses a somewhat different system to determine who is eligible for benefits. Inside the Express Entry immigration system, the applicant will get 600 more points for being nominated by a province.

Work permit through Job offer

Skilled workers who have been offered permanent employment in Canada may apply for immigration under this category. The Canadian government is very interested in compelling the company to recruit regional citizens. So, it’s up to you and your company to show why you’re essential to the role. To bolster your case, your company should fill out an LMIA application and submit it to ESDC (Employment and Social Development Canada). In addition, you’ll need to show that you’re a valuable addition to Canada’s workforce by documenting your education and previous job experience. The work visa has the drawback that it may only be used for one specific job profile and with one specific company; if the applicant intends to switch jobs or companies, they must apply for and get new work permits from the appropriate authorities.

Applied for Student Visa

In Canada, students have access to a comprehensive curriculum that places a strong emphasis on hands-on learning across all subject areas. As a result, it’s the most popular route into the nation. The candidate must have been admitted to a Canadian university in order to apply for a study visa. The application procedure requires the submission of a Statement of Purpose, letters of reference, and essays detailing the applicant’s motivations for pursuing the course of study. If you’ve been accepted to a school on the basis of your qualifications, the next step is to apply for a temporary permit via the Immigration and Citizenship Canada (CIC) website, where you may also submit the necessary supporting documentation for your visa.

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