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This visa allows skilled workers who are nominated by an Australian state or territory government live and work in Australia as a permanent resident.

You must meet the following criteria at time of invitation after successful EOI is obtained:-

  • be nominated by an Australian state or territory
  • be invited to apply for the visa
  • have an occupation that is on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations
  • have a suitable skills assessment for that occupation
  • satisfy a points test requirement
  • be under 45 years of age
  • have Competent English.


When researching whether you are able to apply for a subclass 190 or 489 visa, ensure to carefully read the State Government guidelines, especially regarding the necessary requirement of having had, onshore or offshore work experience. Some states which allow for a nomination of an occupation, will only allow you to be nominated for a subclass 190 in that occupation if you have onshore work experience.

There is a very good website that can assist with providing feedback as to whether your occupation on the STSOL or MLTSSL, which subclass you can apply for and most importantly, which state government has your occupation on their list.

This website can be viewed on this link: https://www.anzscosearch.com/