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Author Archives: Bluethroat Immigration

December 28, 2023

Ontario’s vibrant economy and diverse opportunities have become a beacon for entrepreneurs seeking to establish or invest in a business. If you are considering the exciting prospect of Ontario business immigration, particularly through the Entrepreneur Stream, this comprehensive guide will navigate you through the process, requirements, and steps to unlock the potential that awaits you.

Ontario Business Immigration: The Entrepreneur Stream

Business Category Overview:

The Entrepreneur Stream is the sole pathway for business immigration in Ontario, targeting individuals aspiring to start a new business or acquire an existing one. This stream is part of the broader Business Category, and potential immigrants should note the specific details associated with this pathway.


Key Information:

  • Application Fee: CAD $3,500
  • Processing Time:
  • EOI Assessment: Less than 30 days
  • Application: Depends on the complexity of the application


Minimum Requirements:

To be eligible for the Entrepreneur Stream, applicants must meet the following criteria:

Business Experience: Possess a minimum of 24 months of business experience in the last 60 months.

Net Worth: Demonstrate a net worth of CAD $800,000 if the business is located in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) or CAD $400,000 if outside the GTA.

Personal Investment: Commit a minimum personal investment of CAD $600,000 for businesses in the GTA or CAD $200,000 for businesses outside the GTA.

Equity Control: Control at least one-third of the equity in the business.

Active Management: Actively participate in the management of the business.

Profit Motive: Ensure the primary purpose of the investment is for profit.

Job Creation: Create at least two permanent full-time jobs for Canadian citizens or permanent residents if the business is in the GTA; otherwise, one permanent full-time job is required. Different requirements apply to the information and communications sector.


Additional requirements may apply if purchasing an existing business.

Application Process:

  • Expression of Interest (EOI): Begin by submitting an EOI to the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP). Contact OINP via email to request a registration form, which must be completed and returned.
  • Ranking: Once in the pool, candidates are ranked against others. Regular draws invite the highest-ranked candidates to submit a formal application through the OINP e-Filing Portal.
  • Vendor Review: Applicants must hire a qualified vendor to review their net worth and legal accumulation of funds.


Steps Under the Ontario Entrepreneur Stream (OES):

  • Criteria Satisfaction: Ensure you meet all criteria and requirements for the Entrepreneur Stream.
  • Expression of Interest (EOI): Submit your EOI to OINP.
  • Invitation to Apply: If selected, you will be invited to apply for the Entrepreneur Stream.
  • Application Submission: Submit your application through the OINP e-Filing Portal.
  • Application Assessment: OINP will assess your application.
  • Performance Agreement: Sign a performance agreement with OINP.
  • Temporary Work Permit: Obtain a temporary work permit to arrive and establish your business.
  • Arrival and Business Establishment: Relocate to Ontario and establish your business.
  • Nomination and Permanent Residence: After meeting the conditions, you will be nominated for permanent residence.
  • Monitoring: Adhere to monitoring procedures to maintain compliance.



Embarking on the Ontario Entrepreneur Stream is a transformative journey filled with promise and opportunities. By understanding the requirements, following the application process diligently, and seeking professional guidance, you can unlock the doors to a new chapter in your entrepreneurial adventure. Ontario awaits, ready to embrace the innovative spirit of business immigrants seeking to contribute to its thriving economy.

December 28, 2023

In a significant move to enhance the well-being and financial preparedness of international students in Canada, the Canadian government has recently unveiled a series of new measures, signaling a commitment to address concerns surrounding the escalating cost of living and the imperative for improved support structures for students from abroad. The key changes outlined are poised to bring about a transformative shift in the International Student Program, with a particular focus on safeguarding the financial stability of these students and ensuring the quality of their academic experiences.


Key Changes

Effective from January 2024, one of the pivotal alterations involves an augmented cost-of-living requirement. Single international student applicants will now be mandated to demonstrate possession of $20,635 in addition to their initial year’s tuition fees and travel expenses. This amount, representing 75% of the Low-Income Cut-Off (LICO), will be subject to annual adjustments based on inflation rates. By elevating this financial threshold, the government seeks to mitigate the risk of financial vulnerability, ensuring that students have the necessary resources to cover their living expenses and avoid any potential hardship.


Framework for Recognizing Learning Institutions

Recognizing the critical role that educational institutions play in the overall experience of international students, the Canadian government is actively developing a new framework for accrediting learning institutions. This framework aims to identify institutions that offer high-quality services and comprehensive support, encompassing essential aspects such as housing. Only those institutions meeting these stringent standards will be permitted to admit international students. This initiative underscores a commitment to protecting students from unfair practices and exploitation while fostering an environment conducive to academic success.

Furthermore, to provide immediate relief and support, the government has decided to extend certain temporary measures until April 30, 2024. Notably, international students will continue to be allowed to work off-campus for more than 20 hours per week during academic sessions, offering them increased financial flexibility. Additionally, for students who commenced their programs prior to September 1, 2024, online study will still be considered in the calculation of the post-graduation work permit duration, thereby expanding opportunities for gaining valuable work experience in the Canadian job market.


Why These Changes are Important?

These changes are underscored by a set of compelling reasons that highlight the importance of reshaping the International Student Program. Primarily, the heightened cost-of-living requirement serves as a robust financial safety net, shielding students from potential vulnerabilities that may arise due to inadequate funds. The emphasis on accrediting institutions is a strategic move to counteract any exploitation students may face and ensure a positive and supportive learning environment.

Moreover, the government is actively collaborating with provincial and territorial authorities to tackle housing challenges faced by international students. Access to affordable housing is recognized as a key component of the overall well-being and success of international students during their stay in Canada. Finally, by extending temporary measures related to work opportunities, the government is not only acknowledging the economic contributions of international students but also providing them with increased opportunities to integrate into the Canadian workforce, fostering a diverse and skilled labor market.



The comprehensive set of changes introduced by the Canadian government represents a proactive response to the evolving needs of international students. These measures, ranging from financial safeguards to institutional accreditation and enhanced work opportunities, collectively demonstrate a commitment to providing a holistic and supportive environment for students pursuing their academic endeavors in Canada.

December 28, 2023

The prospect of venturing into the Canadian business landscape is an exciting opportunity for entrepreneurs worldwide. Canada, with its robust economy and welcoming atmosphere, offers various avenues for business immigration. In this blog, we’ll explore the key aspects of the Canadian business immigration landscape, focusing on the Start-Up Visa Program, eligibility criteria, and essential steps for a successful immigration journey.


Understanding the Start-Up Visa Program:

One of Canada’s most interesting business immigration initiatives is the Start-Up Visa Program, designed to attract foreign entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas. The program’s primary objective is to foster economic growth by creating jobs and facilitating the establishment of promising businesses.

To be eligible for the Start-Up Visa, applicants must meet specific requirements:

  • Language Proficiency: Achieve a minimum language proficiency of CLB 5 in English or French.
  • Financial Stability: Demonstrate sufficient funds to settle in Canada.
  • Province of Settlement: Plan to settle in a province other than Quebec.
  • Security and Medical Clearances: Successfully pass Canadian security and medical clearances.
  • Business Support: Prove that the business is supported by a designated organization.
  • Ownership Requirements: Demonstrate that the business meets ownership criteria.

The designated organizations participating in the Start-Up Visa Program include venture capital funds, angel investor groups, and business incubators. Successful applicants are required to secure a minimum investment, with specific thresholds set based on the type of supporting organization.

Notably, applicants are not obligated to invest any personal funds. Even in the event of an unsuccessful business venture, individuals granted permanent residence through this program retain their status.


Overview of Canadian Business Immigration Streams

Canada offers a diverse range of business immigration streams, catering to different business profiles and individual qualifications. The three key streams include:

  • Start-Up Visa Program: Tailored for entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas, requiring support from designated organizations.
  • Self-Employed Persons Program: Suited for individuals with significant experience in cultural activities, athletics, or farming, enabling self-employed individuals to establish themselves in Canada.
  • Entrepreneur Immigration Program: Geared toward individuals seeking to establish or acquire a business in Canada, requiring candidates to demonstrate business experience, a viable business plan, and a minimum investment.


Steps to Successful Business Immigration:

Research and Planning:

  • Thoroughly research the specific requirements of the chosen business immigration stream and plan accordingly. Understanding the Canadian market and identifying business opportunities is crucial.


Meeting Eligibility Criteria:

  • Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria outlined for the chosen business immigration stream. This may include minimum investment thresholds, language proficiency requirements, and relevant business experience.


Business Plan Development:

  • Craft a detailed and realistic business plan that outlines your business objectives, target market, financial projections, and the potential for job creation. A well-thought-out plan is essential for the success of your immigration application.


Seeking Professional Guidance:

  • Engage with immigration consultants or legal professionals specializing in business immigration. Their expertise can guide you through the complex application process, ensuring compliance with Canadian immigration regulations.


Comprehensive Immigration Process:

  • Navigating the business immigration process can be complex, requiring a thorough understanding of Canadian immigration laws and regulations.


Investment Commitment:

  • Certain business immigration streams necessitate a substantial financial commitment, making it essential to carefully assess the associated risks and benefits.


Adaptation to a New Business Culture:

  • Entrepreneurs should be prepared to adapt to the Canadian business culture, understanding local norms and practices.


In conclusion, navigating the Canadian business immigration landscape presents a world of opportunities for entrepreneurs seeking to establish themselves in a thriving economy. By understanding the specific requirements, crafting a solid business plan, and seeking professional guidance, aspiring business owners can embark on a successful journey toward Canadian business immigration.

December 28, 2023

Are you a visionary entrepreneur with a meticulously crafted business plan? Or perhaps a student brimming with a strategically conceived business idea? Do you possess the boundless creativity and imagination to generate unique and groundbreaking business concepts? Are you yearning for the ideal launchpad to propel your entrepreneurial aspirations into reality?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this blog is specifically written for you.

Imagine transforming your dreams, ideas, and meticulous plans into tangible realities through a pathway paved with opportunity. It has now become a reality. Canada’s Start-Up Visa (SUV) Program exists solely to empower aspiring entrepreneurs like you, paving the way for exciting new opportunities and unwavering career stability.

Intrigued? Let’s move forward to learn more about the Canada Start-Up Visa (SUV) Program and discover how it can revolutionize your entrepreneurial journey.


Canada’s Startup Visa Program: The Door to Canada for Aspiring Business Leaders

The Canada Startup Visa Program offers a compelling pathway for ambitious entrepreneurs to immigrate to Canada and turn their innovative ideas into thriving businesses. This program provides access to invaluable support and funding from designated Canadian organizations, including venture capital firms, angel investors, and business incubators, empowering entrepreneurs to establish themselves in the dynamic Canadian market.


Eligibility Requirements

To be considered for the Startup Visa Program, applicants must demonstrate their entrepreneurial spirit and potential by meeting specific eligibility criteria. These crucial requirements include

  1. A Viable and Innovative Business Idea: Your proposed business must possess a clear and compelling vision, showcasing its potential for significant growth and job creation within Canada.
  2. Designated Organization Support: Securing a letter of support from a recognized Canadian organization is essential. This letter demonstrates the organization’s belief in your business idea and its commitment to providing crucial financial and operational assistance.
  3. Language Proficiency: Demonstrating proficiency in either English or French is mandatory, ensuring effective communication and integration within Canadian society. The minimum language requirement is CLB 5, encompassing all four language skills: reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  4. Financial Resources: Possessing sufficient financial resources to support yourself and your family upon arrival in Canada is a fundamental requirement.
  5. Admissibility Requirements: Meeting all Canadian immigration admissibility requirements, including health and security checks, is crucial for program participation.


The Process: Seeking Guidance and Ensuring Success

For the most accurate and comprehensive information regarding the Canada Startup Visa Program, it is vital to consult the official website of the Government of Canada. Additionally, seeking professional advice from experienced immigration experts can provide invaluable support throughout the application process. These resources can help you understand the intricacies of the program, optimize your application package, and navigate the complexities of immigration regulations, maximizing your chances of success.


Fulfilling Entrepreneurial Dreams in Canada

The Canada Startup Visa Program offers an unparalleled platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to actualize their ambitions and establish successful businesses within a supportive and thriving environment. By demonstrating your commitment, vision, and business acumen, you can unlock a world of possibilities and contribute to the Canadian economy.


Ready to start your entrepreneurial journey in Canada?

Begin exploring the possibilities the Canada Startup Visa Program presents and take the first step towards fulfilling your dreams in the welcoming and dynamic environment of Canada.

November 27, 2023

IMMIGRATION has taken a highest troll over the years in CANADA. A high number of foreigners are entering Canada under different sections of immigration programs. International individuals are entering Canada over study permits, work visas, spousal visa, etc. WHY NOT!? 


Canada is known for providing the top standards in education, lifestyle & career. WHO WOULD MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TOWARDS S BETTER FUTURE!? Immigrants in Canada are satisfied with their stable work life and high standard of living.


Under this blog, we are going to discuss about the multiple immigration platforms originated & resides in Canada, under the Canadian government. This blog will also highlight the BEST IMMIGRATION SERVICES provided by the EXPERT IMMIGRATION FIRMS in Canada. Let’s discuss.



A detailed outlook is provided on all the immigrations platforms based in Canada and which are under Canadian government. All kinds of immigration services and consultancy are aired through the departments around the country. Here are the details;


  • Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC):

A biggest and the most designated immigration platform of Canada. The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is the government organisation in Canada that handles immigration and citizenship affairs.


Their responsibilities include managing applications for permanent residence, work permits, study permits, citizenship, and other immigration-related procedures.


  • Service Canada:

Service Canada government based immigration service platform which offers offers information on federal programs and services, including immigration. They can assist with matters such as Social Insurance Numbers (SIN), Employment Insurance (EI), and other related services.


  • Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP):

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) is a program specific to Ontario that allows the province to select individuals for permanent residency based on its economic and labor market requirements.


Details and information about the OINP can be obtained from the official Ontario government website.


  • Local Settlement Agencies:

The residents of Milton, Canada or of any other Canadian city; may also have access to local settlement agencies or non-profit organisations that offer assistance and resources to newcomers. They are an aiding to them in integrating into the community.




Immigration services in Milton are limited to expert immigration consultants in Milton. To save your time from a thorough research on expert immigration services Milton; we have hunt down some of the best one’s in town;



LODESTONE IMMIGRATION SERVICES INC is well-known for their expertise in helping individuals and businesses with Canadian immigration programs. They have a high review rate and offer comprehensive legal services to their clients. CONSULT LODESTONE IMMIGRATION TODAY AND DISCUSS YOUR CASE WITH OUR EXPERT IMMIGRATION CONSULTANTS.


VCIC – Vajra Canadian Immigration Consultancy Inc.:

VCIC – Vajra Canadian Immigration Consultancy Inc. specialises in Canadian immigration and also provides legal services for various types of immigration applications, including Express Entry Canada and Spousal Visa. CONSULT VCIC TO OPEN DOORS TOWARDS A BRIGHTER FUTURE IN CANADA.



Bluethroat Immigration offers immigration services and has a significant online presence. They provide legal assistance for obtaining citizenship, Green card, student visa. Bluethroat immigration services possesses years of clientele expertise and have solved many rejected application cases. CONSULT THEM FOR RELIABLE & EXPERT GUIDANCE ON YOUR APPLICATIONS.



Shape Canada Immigration has a strong reputation for their extensive knowledge of Canadian immigration law. They have an impressive rating of 5.0 and offer a wide range of immigration services and consultations. CONSULT THEM TO FOR A RIGHT IMMIGRATION PATH.



ARE YOU READY TO STAND UP & FIGHT FOR THE ‘HIGHER STANDARD FUTURE’ OPPORTUNITY FOR CANADA!? We are here to guide you from the beginning application process till the end of settlement journey. Consult BLUETHROAT IMMIGRATION today, for one on one consultation and strategic approach plan for your IMMIGRATION.

November 27, 2023

BEST IMMIGRATION SERVICES are known and defined by the origin and expertise of the platform. BUT THE REAL CONCERN IS – We are often stuck on searching & finding the reliable immigration services in Canada. WHY IS THAT!? 


Finding the best consultant for Canada Immigration is a rough and tough rollercoaster ride. You will meet numerous consultant in a a way. You will be open to numerous affordable, easily accessible, and guarantee granted firms. BUT WHY ARE YOU STILL PICKY & CONFUSED? This is because you are unsure of their reliability. Your rationale side of the brain is determined to not accept the ‘WOW BUT IMPOSSIBLE’ facts. ARE WE GOING ON A RIGHT TRACK WITH THIS!?  


While keeping this in mind, this blog is designed to target the basic characteristics of an EXPERT IMMIGRATION CONSULTANTS IN CANADA. The aim is to spread awareness amongst the community and the individual lay man; on the rights and wrongs of the immigration consultants. This will help a greater crowd to refrain from any type of immigration scam or fraud immigration consultants. Moreover, this blog will talk about the BEST CONSULTANT FOR CANADA IMMIGRATION and their expertise. Take notes because this blog will be informatively explosive!



Best immigration is a standardised bundle package of numerous professional and legal characteristics. These characteristics are normally looked upon while choosing the BEST. Here is the brief outline;



The top immigration services employ a team of knowledgeable professionals who specialises in immigration laws, policies, and procedures. Moreover, the years of experience in handling a variety of immigration cases speak to their reliability and expertise.



Reliable immigration services comply with regulations and are often affiliated with recognised regulatory bodies like the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) or provincial law societies.



A client-focused approach involves placing the needs and concerns of clients at the forefront. The best services offer individualised assistance, taking into account each client’s specific circumstances and adapting their services accordingly.



Top-quality services evaluate each client’s situation thoroughly, identifying potential obstacles and prospects. A detailed assessment guarantees that clients have all the information they need regarding the most suitable immigration pathways for their unique circumstances.



A reliable history of successful cases serves as evidence of the immigration services’ effectiveness. Feedback from clients and reviews can provide valuable insights into the service provider’s performance.




Here are the best hunted down options for you to ‘go to’ ehen stuck on immigration process or visa rejection;


  • Bluethroat Immigration

Bluethroat Immigration offers immigration services and has a significant online presence. They provide legal assistance for obtaining citizenship, Green card, student visa. Bluethroat immigration services possesses years of clientele expertise and have solved many rejected application cases.


  • Vajra Canadian Immigration Consultancy Inc. (VCIC):

Vajra Canadian Immigration Consultancy Inc. (VCIC) is an organization led by Rajiv Sharma, a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant. VCIC offers clients a comprehensive and practical approach to immigration matters, helping them make informed decisions about their future in Canada.


  • Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs):

The Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) is a resource for finding authorised professionals, like RCICs, who can provide guidance and assistance with immigration programs, application procedures, and necessary documents.


  • Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC):

The government website for Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) also provides a wide range of information on topics such as immigration programs, application procedures, and necessary documents.