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July 4, 2024

Canada is making significant changes to its Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) process, particularly aiming to eliminate the practice known as flagpoling. This term refers to foreign nationals who leave Canada briefly and re-enter the same day to obtain immigration services immediately, thereby bypassing longer processing times.

Curbing Flagpoling to Protect Resources

As of now, international graduates will no longer be able to apply for PGWPs at the border. Immigration Minister Marc Miller emphasizes that while Canada values the contributions of international graduates, flagpoling is an unnecessary practice. He highlights that processing these applications diverts border officers’ attention from their primary responsibilities, impacting both Canadian and American border security and efficiency.

From March 2023 to February 2024, PGWP applicants made up about one-fifth of all flagpolers, according to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc adds that this change will help alleviate the burden on border services officers, enhancing the integrity of Canada’s immigration system.

Alternatives for Graduating Students

International students typically have 90 days after completing their studies to apply for a PGWP. By applying online before their study permits expire, they can work full-time while awaiting approval, receiving an automated letter to show prospective employers. Once approved, the work permit is mailed directly to them.

This policy shift follows a recent move to limit flagpoling at 12 key border crossings, including Fort Erie in Ontario, Armstrong in Quebec, and several others in the Pacific Region. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) states that these measures aim to increase efficiency during peak travel times and allow officers to focus on other priorities, such as trade facilitation and handling high-risk travelers.

Impact on Cross-Border Relations

The United States has expressed concerns over flagpoling, citing increased traffic and wait times at the border. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer pointed out the negative impact on the Niagara Falls and western New York economies. Canada’s decision to end PGWP applications at the border addresses these concerns while maintaining a collaborative approach with the U.S. on border management.

Future of PGWP and Labor Market Needs

Canada is consulting with provinces to refine the PGWP program further. Questions under consideration include whether to apply new eligibility criteria immediately or grandfather existing international students. Other considerations involve determining if language skills or specific job offers should be required for PGWP eligibility, particularly in occupations facing labor shortages.

Despite the changes, Canadian immigration officials assure that international students will still have pathways to work permits after graduation. Graduates can apply for regular work permits, such as those supported by an employer’s approved Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), especially in sectors with labor shortages.

Balancing Immigration and Economic Goals

The number of international students in Canada surged by over 70% from 2022 to 2023, leading to increased pressure on housing and other sectors. In response, Canada has capped study permit applications at 606,250 for the current year, aiming to reduce the number of new international students by 40%. This cap is expected to limit approvals to about 292,000 applications, balancing the need for skilled labor with economic and social stability.

As Canada navigates these changes, Bluethroat Immigration remains a valuable resource for international graduates and other newcomers, offering expert guidance through the evolving landscape of Canadian immigration policies.

May 9, 2024

Canada’s Startup Visa Program beckons innovative entrepreneurs seeking to launch their dreams in a thriving ecosystem. But securing this visa requires careful preparation and ensuring you have all the necessary documents in order. This blog delves into the essential paperwork you’ll need to gather for a successful Startup Visa application in Canada.

Understanding the Big Picture: Eligibility and Program Requirements

Before diving into documents, it’s crucial to understand the core eligibility requirements for the Startup Visa Program:

  • A Qualifying Business: Your business idea must be innovative, scalable, and have the potential to contribute to the Canadian economy.
  • Letter of Support: You’ll need a commitment certificate and letter of support from a designated organization (DO). These organizations are venture capital funds, angel investor groups, or business incubators approved by the Canadian government.

The Essential Documents Checklist:

Now, let’s explore the key documents you’ll need for your Startup Visa application:

  1. Personal Documents:

  • Valid Passport: Ensure your passport has sufficient validity (usually two years beyond your intended stay in Canada).
  • Proof of Identity: Provide a copy of your birth certificate or other government-issued ID.
  • Police Certificates: Submit police certificates from all countries you’ve resided in for six months or more in the past five years.
  • Travel History: Document your travel history for the past five years.
  • Marriage Certificate (if applicable): If married, submit your marriage certificate.
  • Proof of Dependents (if applicable): Provide documentation for any dependents accompanying you to Canada (birth certificates, proof of relationship).
  1. Business Documents:

  • Business Plan: Prepare a comprehensive business plan outlining your company’s concept, target market, financial projections, and growth strategy.
  • Letter of Support from a Designated Organization (DO): This crucial document demonstrates support from a qualified DO, confirming their investment in your business.
  • Commitment Certificate: Issued by the DO, this document outlines the terms of their financial support or in-kind contributions to your venture.
  • Proof of Ownership or Control: Document your ownership or control over the business (e.g., company registration documents, shareholder agreements).
  1. Financial Documents:

  • Proof of Personal and Business Funds: Demonstrate sufficient financial resources to support yourself and your business during the initial stages in Canada.
  • Financial Statements (if applicable): If your business is already operational, provide audited financial statements for the past two years.
  1. Educational Documents:

  • Educational Credentials: Submit copies of your diplomas, degrees, or transcripts showcasing your relevant qualifications.
  1. Language Test Results:

  • English or French Language Test: Demonstrate proficiency in English or French through an approved language test (e.g., IELTS, CELPIP).

Additional Considerations:

  • Medical Examination: Prepare for a medical examination by a panel physician approved by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
  • Translation Requirements: Ensure any documents not in English or French are translated by a certified translator.

Gathering Supporting Documents:

  • Start Early: Give yourself ample time to gather all required documents, especially those requiring translations or obtaining official copies.
  • Organization is Key: Maintain a well-organized system to easily locate documents needed during the application process.


The Startup Visa Program offers an exciting path for entrepreneurs to establish their businesses in Canada. By ensuring you have all the necessary documents in order, you can streamline your application process and increase your chances of success. Remember, this blog serves as a general guide.

Seek Professional Guidance:

For personalized advice and assistance with your specific circumstances, consider consulting with an experienced Canadian immigration lawyer specializing in Startup Visa applications. They can guide you through the intricacies of the process, ensure your documentation meets program requirements, and maximize your chances of securing your Canadian Startup Visa. With thorough preparation and expert guidance, you can turn your innovative business idea into a reality on Canadian soil.


December 28, 2023

In a significant move to enhance the well-being and financial preparedness of international students in Canada, the Canadian government has recently unveiled a series of new measures, signaling a commitment to address concerns surrounding the escalating cost of living and the imperative for improved support structures for students from abroad. The key changes outlined are poised to bring about a transformative shift in the International Student Program, with a particular focus on safeguarding the financial stability of these students and ensuring the quality of their academic experiences.


Key Changes

Effective from January 2024, one of the pivotal alterations involves an augmented cost-of-living requirement. Single international student applicants will now be mandated to demonstrate possession of $20,635 in addition to their initial year’s tuition fees and travel expenses. This amount, representing 75% of the Low-Income Cut-Off (LICO), will be subject to annual adjustments based on inflation rates. By elevating this financial threshold, the government seeks to mitigate the risk of financial vulnerability, ensuring that students have the necessary resources to cover their living expenses and avoid any potential hardship.


Framework for Recognizing Learning Institutions

Recognizing the critical role that educational institutions play in the overall experience of international students, the Canadian government is actively developing a new framework for accrediting learning institutions. This framework aims to identify institutions that offer high-quality services and comprehensive support, encompassing essential aspects such as housing. Only those institutions meeting these stringent standards will be permitted to admit international students. This initiative underscores a commitment to protecting students from unfair practices and exploitation while fostering an environment conducive to academic success.

Furthermore, to provide immediate relief and support, the government has decided to extend certain temporary measures until April 30, 2024. Notably, international students will continue to be allowed to work off-campus for more than 20 hours per week during academic sessions, offering them increased financial flexibility. Additionally, for students who commenced their programs prior to September 1, 2024, online study will still be considered in the calculation of the post-graduation work permit duration, thereby expanding opportunities for gaining valuable work experience in the Canadian job market.


Why These Changes are Important?

These changes are underscored by a set of compelling reasons that highlight the importance of reshaping the International Student Program. Primarily, the heightened cost-of-living requirement serves as a robust financial safety net, shielding students from potential vulnerabilities that may arise due to inadequate funds. The emphasis on accrediting institutions is a strategic move to counteract any exploitation students may face and ensure a positive and supportive learning environment.

Moreover, the government is actively collaborating with provincial and territorial authorities to tackle housing challenges faced by international students. Access to affordable housing is recognized as a key component of the overall well-being and success of international students during their stay in Canada. Finally, by extending temporary measures related to work opportunities, the government is not only acknowledging the economic contributions of international students but also providing them with increased opportunities to integrate into the Canadian workforce, fostering a diverse and skilled labor market.



The comprehensive set of changes introduced by the Canadian government represents a proactive response to the evolving needs of international students. These measures, ranging from financial safeguards to institutional accreditation and enhanced work opportunities, collectively demonstrate a commitment to providing a holistic and supportive environment for students pursuing their academic endeavors in Canada.

December 20, 2022

The International Experiences Canada (IEC) Program 2023 was officially unveiled today by the Honorable Sean Fraser, Secretary of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship. The program has increased the number of eligible candidates by 20%. As on January 9, 2023, applications will be accepted. Those who want to immigrate to Canada as skilled workers will benefit from the new economic immigration schemes the country is implementing. Canada plans to accept a record-breaking 460,000 immigrants this year. The government of Canada views immigration as a means to improve the economy, bring families together, and aid those in need. Prior to the 2015 election of the current Liberal administration, Canada accepted around 260,000 immigrants every year. Before the 2020 outbreak of COVID-19, the objectives were raised to 300,000, and then to 340,000.

It was difficult for IRCC to handle applications in 2020 due to the closing of borders as well as other travel restrictions. Nonetheless, at 405,000, Canada accepted more people to become permanent residents in a single year than it had in any previous year. A considerable number of quotas were distributed via the Canadian Experience Class or provincial nomination programs, respectively, to enable the achievement of these goals (PNPs).

A historic combination of low unemployment and a large number of available jobs has created a labor shortage in Canada. Both of these elements contribute to the country’s rising immigration goals.

Canada has one of the world’s lowest birthrates at 1.4 children per woman, adding to the country’s chronic labor shortfall. Eventually, immigration will be the only option for Canada’s population and labor force to expand, since natural expansion is too sluggish to keep up with the needs of the economy. Canada’s ability to provide public services like education and healthcare relies on a healthy tax base, which can only be sustained with an influx of new residents. One of the world’s oldest populations is in Canada. By 2030, approximately a quarter of Canada’s population, or nine million individuals, will be eligible for Medicare. In all areas of the economy, this will result in a critical lack of labor.

According to Canada’s primary immigration legislation, the Immigration as well as Refugee Protection Act (IRPA), the government must annually declare the Immigration Levels Plan by November 1. The first declaration of immigration numbers for 2022-2024 came in February 2022, as the most recent national election of September 20, 2021 postponed the 2021 announcement.

 Express Entry, available to foreign employees beginning in January 2015, will include Canada’s primary economic immigration programs. Now the scenatio of calling the immigrants is change as after pandemic Canada is looking for more immigirants that have different skills sets. Forexample if a person is good in Data Analyst skill then he or she will be preferably hired by the Canadian or they can easily apply through Express entry or they can get engaged in the Provincial Nominee program.

As there are number of programs through which applicants can apply for the Canada in which one of the prominent is Express Entry, other than are provincial nominee program.

Express Entry

Since its introduction in 2015, that Express Entry System has become a highly sought after method of entering the country legally. Because of the streamlined procedures involved in making the transition. It’s also the quickest route to immigration to Canada for professionals, taking an average of only six months. As a result, it is often regarded as the simplest route to Canadian PR.

For this subset of immigration, a Comprehensive Assessment System (CRS) is used to calculate a score out of 100 for each applicant. Using the candidate’s age, language proficiency, job experience, education, etc., this tool determines a score. The IRCC determines the cutoff for eligibility (Immigration Refugee and Citizenship Canada). Those who get a high enough score are granted permanent resident status in Canada. Therefore, they are given the ITA. A lot of people who want to move to Canada use the Express Entry system since it seems to be the simplest option. The result of the most recent Express Entry Draw was released on November 23, 2022, and the corresponding score was 491. After receiving the score, the applicant may quickly and simply begin the procedure for obtaining a Canadian permanent resident visa.

Provincial nominee program

People who did not make the cut for Express Entry may still be eligible for provincial nomination. Using the Canada Provincial Nominee Program is the simplest route to permanent residency in Canada. Each province in Canada has the authority to invite and nominate talented workers for immigration to the province based on the province’s specific labor market needs and occupations in demand. There are essentially two paths to provincial nomination. The applicant has the option of applying to the province directly or through the Canada Express Entry connected models. In Canada, each province uses a somewhat different system to determine who is eligible for benefits. Inside the Express Entry immigration system, the applicant will get 600 more points for being nominated by a province.

Work permit through Job offer

Skilled workers who have been offered permanent employment in Canada may apply for immigration under this category. The Canadian government is very interested in compelling the company to recruit regional citizens. So, it’s up to you and your company to show why you’re essential to the role. To bolster your case, your company should fill out an LMIA application and submit it to ESDC (Employment and Social Development Canada). In addition, you’ll need to show that you’re a valuable addition to Canada’s workforce by documenting your education and previous job experience. The work visa has the drawback that it may only be used for one specific job profile and with one specific company; if the applicant intends to switch jobs or companies, they must apply for and get new work permits from the appropriate authorities.

Applied for Student Visa

In Canada, students have access to a comprehensive curriculum that places a strong emphasis on hands-on learning across all subject areas. As a result, it’s the most popular route into the nation. The candidate must have been admitted to a Canadian university in order to apply for a study visa. The application procedure requires the submission of a Statement of Purpose, letters of reference, and essays detailing the applicant’s motivations for pursuing the course of study. If you’ve been accepted to a school on the basis of your qualifications, the next step is to apply for a temporary permit via the Immigration and Citizenship Canada (CIC) website, where you may also submit the necessary supporting documentation for your visa.

November 3, 2022

Canada is taking highly skilled immigrants as they are upgrading their Canada has been very welcoming to highly skilled immigrants in the past few years. In the year 2017, Canada had a total of 182,000 immigration applications for highly skilled workers. The country has also been open to issuing more visas for temporary work and international students. There is a shortage of high skilled immigrants in the workforce within Canada. This is because they are educated in their home countries and are not willing to work in low-skilled jobs. Although Canada has been struggling with this issue for a while now. Canada needs to find a way to fill these positions or else it will be at risk of losing its competitiveness as an economy. The country needs to find ways to make these jobs more desirable for highly skilled immigrants and also find ways to train them on the job.

Canada has a special visa program that allows companies to hire high-skilled foreign workers. This visa program is called Express Entry and it’s designed for people who have a good education, work experience, and language skills. The Express Entry system gives points for factors such as age, education, work experience, language skills and whether the person has a job offer in Canada. The more points someone has, the higher their chances of getting an invitation to apply for permanent residence in Canada.

Campaign to attract international students

The Canadian government has launched a new campaign to attract international students who are graduating from Canadian universities. The campaign is targeting highly-qualified international graduates with the goal of attracting them to apply for permanent residency in Canada. The campaign, titled “Why, not Canada?”, will be aimed at students who have studied in Canada for at least one year and are now graduating from a Canadian university. The goal is to encourage these students to stay in Canada after graduation and work or start their own businesses. This campaign is part of the Government of Canada’s efforts to improve the country’s immigration system and make it more attractive for high-skilled immigrants.

High standards of living

Canada is a country with a large population and high standards of living. Canada has been attracting people from all around the world for decades because of its high standards of living, vast natural resources, and political stability. Canada’s economy is one of the most powerful in the world. It has the tenth-highest per capita income globally and ranks highly on quality-of-life measures like education and healthcare. We have also seen that most people are reaching Canada for better opportunities because it is a country with a large population and high standards of living.  Most of all Canada is targeting highly qualified people for their state as they are getting developed day by day and nearly in the future they will grow more with more opportunities. Under this situation, they are hiring more people that are highly qualified with more skills that they can easily utilise and availed them.

It is possible to get a sense of how robust the economy of Canada is by assessing the number of people who are employed also known as the working population and who pay taxes to help finance our public services, including health care. The number of people actively looking for work in Canada continues to increase on an annual basis, mostly as a result of immigration. Employers would have a difficult time filling available positions with sufficiently competent people if it weren’t for the influx of immigrants. The main reasons for this trend are that people in Canada are living longer & having fewer children. Both the number of individuals working and the number of persons attending school is declining. As a direct consequence of this, the pool of available and prospective employees who were born in Canada is restricted. Not only do immigrants contribute to the economy by filling gaps in the labour force while paying taxes, but they also contribute by spending money on products, housing, and transportation, which is a significant boost to our overall economic activity.

Immigrants are making a difference in Canada by contributing to the economy and creating jobs for Canadians. Immigrants contribute $25 billion to the Canadian economy each year, which is about 3% of Canada’s GDP. Furthermore, immigrants create jobs for Canadians by filling positions that are in high demand or have skills that are not available in Canada. With the recent changes to Canadian immigration policy, there has been an increase in the number of skilled immigrants coming into Canada and filling these positions. This leads to a positive impact on both immigrant and Canadian communities because it increases economic activity, creates jobs for Canadians and helps with labour shortages. Due to its robust economy which is also quite diverse, Canada is a very affluent country. Mining natural resources including gold, zinc, copper, and even nickel, which are all put to significant use in other parts of the globe, accounts for a significant portion of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). Additionally, Canada is a significant participant in the oil industry, and the country is home to a number of important oil businesses. The objective of the Canadian government on immigration is to sustainably raise the overall amount of immigration in order to boost the country’s economy, bring separated families back together, and aid refugees in need of humanitarian assistance. The economic class, the family class, and the refugee class are the three categories of immigration that Canada accepts.

October 12, 2022

The Canada Processing Study Permits for International Students is a program that is designed to allow international students who are studying in Canada to work off-campus for up to 20 hours per week during the academic year and full-time during scheduled breaks. At the end of the month of July, Canadian immigration authorities had processed approximately 360,000 study permit applications from foreign students, setting a new record for the number of applications processed in a single year.

We have also found that there is an increase of 18.4% when compared to the approximately 304,000 jobs finished during the same time period the year before, which was also a record-breaking year. Canadian education is very worthwhile. Students who study abroad and graduate may be eligible for working visas and immigration programmes leading to permanent residency.

It is possible to work up to twenty hours a week while studying full-time in Canada with a legitimate study permit, and full-time during approved breaks. Graduates of postsecondary institutions are eligible to apply for a “Post-Graduation Work Permit” (PGWP). Working lawfully in Canada is made much easier with one of these licenses, which are good for a minimum of eight months and up to three years. Holders of the PWGP are not required to work any certain number of hours each week. They might decide to work alone or for a company. Most crucially, they do not have to complete an LMIA. By virtue of this exception, the employer need not demonstrate that no Canadian or permanent resident is willing and able to fill the position.

Foreign students who complete their post-secondary education in Canada often find it easier to apply for permanent residence. Every one of Canada’s 10 provinces has its own immigration program specifically for enticing new international college grads to settle there permanently. There are many in many provinces, including three in Manitoba and four in British Columbia. Most of the options cater to a wide range of graduates, while others are tailored to those with specialised knowledge in fields like the natural and applied sciences. People who want to be their own boss might also find opportunities. Some courses are only open to those who have completed a certain number of years of schooling, such as a Master’s or a Doctorate.

We have also gained job experience in Canada and may help international students who are applying for immigration through the Express Entry system. Canada’s three primary federals are linked to economic immigration programs in which the Federal Skilled Worker Project, the Federal Skilled Worker Plan, as well as the Canadian Experience Class are all managed using Express Entry.  We have also found that with the help of possessing relevant job experience in Canada is seen favorably by immigration officials, and may help a candidate earn more points.

Pursuing Study in Canada for Students

Canada has some of the best education systems in the world. The country has a diverse population with people from all over the world coming to study there. There are many institutions that offer courses in different fields of study that cater to international students as well as local students.

One way to get into these universities is through a student visa which is granted to international applicants who want to come to Canada and pursue their studies there on a full-time basis or part-time basis while they are working on their degree or diploma.

  1. The Canada Processing Study Permits for International Students is a program that is designed to allow international students who are studying in Canada to work off-campus for up to 20 hours per week during the academic year and full-time during scheduled breaks.
  2. The government offers this program because they want international students in the country, so they let them work off campus for a limited number of hours each week or just when there are scheduled breaks from school.

IRCC’s Service Criteria

Most of the students are engaged in having a large number of software applications in inventory is commonplace in Canada. The majority (1.1 million) of the applications currently available meet IRCC’s service criteria. We have also found that around 80% of applications must be handled within the established service levels for the department to be considered successful. Expect a backlog of over a million applications to be processed.

But right now, there are over 1.3 million apps in stock, and 54 pe The IRCC is taking many actions to reduce the number of pending immigration applications. IRCC plans to recruit up to 1,250 more workers by the end of the autumn in order to enhance their processing capability and clear up the backlog in applications.

IRCC is also making adjustments to maintain short processing times permanently. With the help of $85 million in extra financing from the Canada Economic as well as Fiscal Review 2021, IRCC recently digitised the application process for more programs and established technological solutions to facilitate speedier processing times in the long run.

To keep applicants updated on expected processing timelines, IRCC has pledged to provide monthly statistics on its website. The Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) made a release on August 24 based on July data, offering comprehensive statistics on present and expected wait times for various categories of immigration applications.

Timing estimates for residency permit applications

In Canada, there were 1,400,000 pending petitions for temporary residency since around July 31, 2022. Visas for tourism, labour, and education are all included in this category. 580,000 (or 41%) of the applicants met IRCC’s service requirements. Backlog forecasts were broken down by IRCC into the following categories of temporary residence:

Timing for the processing of work permits

IRCC predicts that by the end of the year, its backlog for work permit applications would increase from about 30% of applicants to over 60% of applications. Yet, IRCC forecasts a sizable decline in 2023, with the backlog reducing to 30 % by March of that year.

Canada’s goal is to process 80% of applications for work permits from outside Canada in less than 60 days. The processing time for an IEC work permit is 56 days, which is less than the processing time for most other work licenses. Most of all we have also observed that in Canada, immigration team received tens of thousands of applications this year under the Canada-Ukraine Authorization of Emergency Travel program. This initiative has resulted in a dramatic rise in the backlog of applications for Canadian work permits, which was not expected before the conflict in Ukraine.